Hi everyone!!!
Sorry I've been gone for so long, but I went on a ski trip with my class. It was my first time skiing so it was a whole new experience and it was AMAZING!!!! I absolutely loved it. The only skis I was on before were cross-counrt, but they proved to be helpful in my learning a new skill. I learnt it pretty fast and was soon zipping down the slope with my 'advanced skiing' friends.
Everyday routine was like:
- 7 AM - getting up
- 8 AM - going to breakfast in full gear
- 9 AM - on the slope with instructor till 1 PM
- 1 PM till 4 PM - on slope free styling and having fun with friends
- 5 PM - lessons back at home
- 6 PM - dinner/supper
It was really cool, although the weather could be better, everyday there was mist (we were like in a cloud), so really poor visibility, strong wind rather cold, but still #YOLO am I right?
All photos are from www.jaworzynakrynicka.pl
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